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The team consists of engineers, physicists and chemists and supports its clients in the entire field of radioactive waste disposal, from radiological characterization to the creation of campaign plans for waste disposal to the development of concepts, such as residual material management.


Service Range of the Waste Management Department:




  • Packaging Concepts:
    • RWE Nuclear GmbH
      Packaging concepts for core scrap at the Gundremmingen and Lingen sites
      WTI Services: Planning for the dismantling and packaging of activated and contaminated control elements, neutron flux measurement lances, fuel assembly channels, fuel element skeletons, as well as small parts and filters
    • RWE Nuclear GmbH, PreussenElektra GmbH
      Packaging concepts for core components at the Biblis, Gundremmingen and Isar sites
      WTI Services: Planning for the dismantling and packaging of activated and contaminated steam dryers, steam separators, core grids, core shrouds and core barrels
  • Residual Material Management:
    • RWE Nuclear GmbH
      Support services for waste management
      WTI Services: Identification of possible disposal routes for the disposal of low-activated and/or contaminated components at all RWE nuclear power plant sites
  • Radiological Characterization of Buildings and Facilities:
    • JEN Jülicher Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH
      Radiological characterization of the Large Hot Cells (GHZ)
      WTI Services: Coordination of sampling and evaluation of analysis results as part of the radiological characterization of the GHZ, preparation of a results report and a contamination register
  • Preparation of Operating Manuals:
    • JEN Jülicher Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH (formerly Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), BGZ Bundesgesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung mbH
      Preparation and maintenance of various decommissioning, dismantling and operating manuals
      WTI Services: Preparation and maintenance of BHB, AHB, and RHB for the following facilities: FRJ-2, AVR-BL, GHZ, Geb. 12.6, AVR, storage halls 4 and 5, waste storage area 9/76 (all JEN), BZB, TBL-A, TBL-G, ALG (all BGZ)