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The team consists of engineers specializing in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, reactor physics and nuclear engineering.

The Decommissioning Planning Department supports its clients in all phases of the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. The employees have extensive experience in planning and calculation services. Additionally, our team assists clients with the collection of operational data, such as conditioning and waste data, and prepares waste package documentation for the interim and final storage of radioactive waste.


Service Range of the Decommissioning Planning Department:



  • Engineering Services to support Waste Management:
    • RWE Nuclear GmbH
      Nuclear power plants Gundremmingen (KGG), Lingen (KWL), Emsland (KKE), Biblis (BBG)
      WTI Services: Preparation of waste package documentation, preparation of interim storage relevant documentation (ZRD), activity determinations, determination of nuclide vectors, and preparation of technical notes for various issues related to disposal measures
    • PreussenElektra GmbH
      Nuclear power plants Grafenrheinfeld (KKG) and Isar (KKI-1)
      WTI Services: Concept development for the requalification of 36 MOSAIK® casks with activated and contaminated fuel assembly channels, derivation of contamination activities, and adjustment of waste tracking and product monitoring system (AVK) data for MOSAIK® casks
    • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH
      Various power plants and waste producers
      WTI Services: Preparation of waste package documentation and intermediate product documentation for various wastes (e.g., activated and contaminated core scrap, mixed waste, ash, melting residues) and containers (e.g., drums, MOSAIK® casks, and containers)
  • Activation Calculations:
    • EnBW Kernkraft GmbH
      Nuclear power plant Neckarwestheim (GKN II)
      WTI Services: Activation calculations for the core components of GKN II, including derivation of contamination activities, adjustment of material compositions in the activation calculations for the GKN II facility
    • PreussenElektra GmbH
      Nuclear power plants Isar (KKI-2), Brokdorf (KBR), and Grohnde (KWG)
      WTI Services: Conducting activation calculations for KKI-2, conducting activation calculations for KBR, conducting activation calculations for KWG
    • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH
      Nuclear power plants Isar (KKI-2), Grohnde (KWG)
      WTI Services: Activation calculations for the core components of KKI-2, including derivation of contamination activities, activation calculations for the components scrap of KWG, including derivation of contamination activities
  • Dismantling and Packaging Planning:
    • EnBW Kernkraft GmbH
      Nuclear power plant Neckarwestheim (GKN I)
      WTI Services: Dismantling and packaging planning for components of the volume control system, packaging planning for cut pieces of the tube sheet of a steam generator
    • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH
      Nuclear power plants Grafenrheinfeld (KKG), Brokdorf (KBR), Mühleberg (KKM, Switzerland)
      WTI Services: Steam generator KKG - support in activity declaration and packaging planning of the waste to be disposed of, KKM - preparation of radiological packaging planning for the reactor pressure vessel, preparation of dismantling and packaging planning for the reactor pressure vessel internals of KBR
  • Concept Development:
    • Reinwald GmbH
      Decommissioning of nuclear power plant Isar (KKI-1)
      WTI Services: Development of a radiation protection concept, including collective dose estimation for the decommissioning of the biological shield
    • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH
      Decommissioning of nuclear power plants Isar (KKI-2), Grohnde (KWG), Emsland (KKE)
      WTI Services: Development of dose rate measurement concepts for the core components of KKI-2, KWG, and KKE, development of sampling concepts for the core components of KKI-2 and KWG