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The team consists of engineers specializing in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, and environmental engineering, as well as mechanical technicians and designers. Nuclear and thermal verifications are carried out in-house by colleagues from the Nuclear and Technical Calculations departments.

Since many decades, the core competencies of the Construction Planning Department have been in the planning of nuclearfacilities, including the preparation of the necessary construction and nuclear regulatory application documents, builder-owner support during construction, and the performance of computational verifications, e.g. regarding nuclear and thermal aspects.


Service Range of the Construction Planning Department:




  • Spent Fuel Interim Storage:
    • EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, RWE Power AG
      On-site interim storage facilities for the Philippsburg, Gundremmingen, and Biblis nuclear power plants
      WTI Services: Concept development and design, overall planning up to building permit application, preparation of calculations (e.g. heat dissipation, shielding verifications), preparation of construction and nuclear application documents, authorization support
    • EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, E.ON Kernkraft GmbH, RWE Power AG, BGZ Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung mbH
      Expansion of facility security for interim storage
      WTI Services: Concept development, approval planning, preparation of nuclear application documents, site supervision
  • Waste Interim Storage:
    • RWE Power AG
      Technology and logistics building (TLE) at the Emsland site
      WTI Services: Preparation of design and approval planning (nuclear law and construction law, including necessary computational verifications), technical support for RWE Power AG in the approval procedures
    • RWE Power AG
      Technology and logistics building (TLG) at the Gundremmingen site
      WTI Services:
      Preparation of planning and approval documents (nuclear law and construction law, including necessary computational verifications), technical support for RWE Power AG in the approval procedures
  • Nuclear Facilities:
    • JEN Jülicher Entsorgungsgesellschaft für Nuklearanlagen mbH
      New control area access AVR
      WTI Services: General planning services (from concept planning to site supervision) as part of the decommissioning of the AVR reactor
    • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service mbH
      Concrete plant for radioactive waste from the Lingen decommissioning facility
      WTI Services: Preparation of planning, approval, and tender documents for the concreting of solid radioactive waste in final disposal containers