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The team consists of mathematicians and engineers specializing in mechanical engineering, process and thermal engineering, as well as aerospace engineering.

For many decades, the department's core competence has been the planning and preparation of thermal safety analyses and accident analyses for the disposal of heat-generating radioactive waste in casks and containers using validated numerical calculation methods (FE and CFD). 

National and international projects are carried out in interdisciplinary collaboration with other WTI departments for cross-disciplinary tasks. WTI has significantly contributed to the current state of the art in the thermal design of casks and interim storage facilities.


Service Range of the Technical Calculations Department:



  • CFD Analyses
      Cask interim storage facilities for all Swiss nuclear power plants
      WTI Services: CFD analyses and thermal analyses for a compact cask arrangement to optimize the use of interim storage facilities
    • EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
      Airflow in a tunnel storage facility for fuel element casks
      WTI Services: CFD analyses for the dimensioning and control of ventilation openings in the entrance building and exhaust structure
  • FE Analyses
    • GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear Service mbH, Essen
      Design of new cask types for fuel element disposal
      WTI Services: Temperature field calculations for the thermal design of new cask types
    • Kernkraftwerk Gösgen-Däniken AG (KKG) CH
      Recooling of fuel elements
      WTI Services: Transient temperature field calculations for the cooling behavior of hot fuel rods during the flooding of the cask interior